Movements Rocked Buenos Aires, Nov 12
In the true location that today you can see many bands that are brought by the Noiseground production company, on this occasion the guys from Movements from California arrived. The doors opened early and the atmosphere as always can be seen in the Post-hardcore concerts, very friendly and many people among friends with a can of beer both outside and inside Uniclub, opening tonight the national band on this occasion was of the hand of “Clamor” which on the back screen you could see some images as if they were from some video clip with his name, they sounded quite good although at some moments you could hear the voice a little low but the viola is something to highlight in sound When the boys finished, the instruments were taken off the stage and up the stairs behind the console.
At 9pm the lights had already gone out and a little ahead of time since it had been announced for 9:15pm the start of the show was played with the first chords of “lead pipe” one begins to see the band’s recitals in other countries and you can see that something was extremely calm but this show was nothing like what you would see on the Internet, every song that could be uploaded, people did stage diving and sang with Patrick. The band did not stop being grateful at every moment for what they experienced this first time, until George put on an Argentine national team t-shirt with the name of Movements on his back. They also had the affirmation that they are going to return soon, the boys from California could not stop looking at yourself and be amazed at the great reception from the fans.

They played several songs from their discography such as Lead Pipe, Killing Time, Deadly Dull, Colorblind among others, a medium short set for a great band but the moment of most fury among the people was in the last song in “Daylili” to which there was a lot of attention. people on stage and Patrick no longer had control of the microphone and the fans were singing, I hope the return is soon as promised.

Photos and Review by Pablo Reinante
Produced by Noiseground