Live Music Review 07/15/23
Lost Souls Living In The Moment:
L.S.Dunes, we can familiarize them as the “Super Handsome Group” known all over the globe. The incredible band has received an overwhelming amount of support just in their short time getting together and creating music for the world. But the word “Supergroup” just doesn’t quite describe them. They are more than their success. The members of L.S.Dunes consist of all the right amounts of love, heartbreak, compassion, respect, friendship, rock, and a strong, strong love for music. And these members include My Chemical Romance guitarist Frank Iero, Thursday drummer Tucker Rule, Thursday bassist Tim Payne, Circa Survive lead vocals Anthony Green, and Coheed & Cambria guitarist Travis Stever.

Teen Mortgage Making An Amazing Providence Appearance
Teen Mortgage, consisting of members Edward Barakauskas on drums and James Guile on vocals & guitar was all this set needed to have an audience going haywire. Before making their way onto stage it was very conspicuous that the crowd was unsure what to expect for this opening act. But fans quickly fell in love and began forming an exhilarating moshing pit when their first song began to play. There was a lot of realization based on the looks of many faces that this band was an entertainment to watch, and that they were worth returning for. In their 30 minute set, they played roughly 10 songs including “Ghost Girl” being a fan favorite. Some more favorites included “Such is Life” and “Sick Day”. Teen Mortgage received a ton of support and the room had a wonderful feel throughout it until the end of their set.
Blender Of Emotions
The most thrilling sound to one’s ears, the drum beat to “Bombsquad” firing up and opening the set around 9pm Saturday night. Tucker Rule’s crushing drum strikes made an enthusiastic entrance for his band mates. The crowd is wide-eyed with anticipation and excitement. The room is bursting with eager fans. The energy was held high throughout the entirety of this song. There wasn’t a point in time where the crowd was still, and the room was silent. The emotion everytime I see this band play live is a rollercoaster. Observing the people in the room with you, you can clearly tell that these songs create an emotional, safe, and realistic space for the fans. The feeling you get watching L.S.Dunes perform live is chilling and heart-racing.

Save The Tears For “Sleep Cult”

A moment in time where you almost can’t help but feel a rush of adrenaline and emotion is about three and a half minutes into “Grey Veins”. This was only the fourth song off of their set
but it didn’t stop the emotional fans. The Microphone gets extended out into the crowd when the audience takes over and sings back every single lyric. Hundreds of voices singing “Stop trying to make it seem like you made a difference, you don’t have to believe in anything”. The catch is it isn’t just sung regularly, It’s sung in a harmonizing, confident tone. Almost like the crowd has been dying to sing that one part the entire time. I could feel around me that everyone was so in the moment, the many voices echoed off of the four venue walls. But the real tears won’t appear until you hear the mesmerizing guitars to “Sleep Cult”.
“Sleep Cult”
“Sleep Cult” was a phenomenal 2022 release brought to life at shows. In Providence Saturday night, L.S.Dunes ended their show with “Sleep Cult” off of their album “Past Lives”. They balanced out their setlist perfectly with the transition from “2022” into “Sleep Cult”. Both of these are well structured songs that seem to be a hint towards mental health advocacy. The fans gathered in close, swaying themselves slowly to the melody raising a light in the air. Tears flooded the strand on this specific song . Anthony Green repeatedly and beautifully sang the verse “I’m sorry that I wish that I was dead” Which touched so many lost souls. The build up on this was stronger than ever. It seemed that he had sung this part more times then previous shows and in the released version. It was a super spiritual way to wrap up the night.
It doesn’t end just yet! The Providence show was packed with fun memories, key highlights, and special information. During the hour-long set performed by L.S.Dunes, they spared some time for laughter. This band in particular is especially known for cracking a joke every now and then and having positive interactions with their fans. From Anthony Green putting a balloon into his shirt, to Frank Iero saying “No whoop whoops”, they classify as a goofy, talented dad band. Just released this summer, their new song “Benadryl Subreddit” has already made show setlists and seen a few crowds. It is currently streaming everywhere and has reached almost 200,000 listeners on Spotify.
I’ve always been a strong believer in music, it has gotten me through a lot of rough patches. I respect music artists of all genres. But for me personally, to really feel a connection to reality and life in the real world, it needed to be the kind of music that screams into my headphones about midlife crises, heartbreak, insecurities, mistakes, life and death, and the more “scary” things we face. The lyrical structure in every song off of the bands debut album “Past Lives” perceives this. Sharing a room with music artists that have influenced positive energy at every venue they have played for their entire lives makes me feel honored to be standing where I am. Capturing moments that the band, the fans, and myself will remember for a lifetime.
Review and Photos by Aryzona Kurtz
Special thanks to Atomsplitterpr, Amy Sciarretto and Shane Handal
Editor In Chief Maria Fernanda Capici
Great article, great photos