Melvins and Boris in Concert, Nashville, Sept 27
Brooklyn Bowl was a packed house the night of the twins of evil tour. They stopped in Nashville midway through their tour together with Boris who flew all the way from Tokyo japan. Melvins rocked the house first with the an incredible performance. Unfortunately their drummer Dale Crover wasn’t able to be there due to having surgery so they had a kid name Cody fill in who absolutely killed it on drums without getting a single break through the whole show.

Next was Boris who put on a great show with all of their unique instruments such as their double necked guitar and a wild drum kit that included a massive gong. They started the show with a more synth-like melodic sound and continued to get heavier as the show went on.
Overall the twins of evil show rocked the house with their grungy instrument heavy sound, leaving the audience wanting more. We also wish Dale a speedy recovery after his surgery.

Photos and Review by Dawson Bourdette
Special thanks Monica Seide-Evenson, Speakeasy PR