“Nile” In concert Buenos Aires, Argentina
Last Saturday, June 17 at the Teatrito, Argentina, was a Death Metal Ritual with Nile!
The American band with 30 years of career, gave the audience everything and more than they expected! Opening the night with the songs “Sacrifice Unto Sebek”, “Defiling The Gates of Ishtar” and “Kafir”. Going through their current and old tracks.
The powerful sounds of the drums from George Kollias, and Karl Sanders with his stronger screams made us blow our heads!
Something to highlight how well the public has behaved, enjoying each moment and song, with a very respectful attitude.
Was an epic Metal night that we never forget and expecting their return soon!

Review by Maria Fernanda Capici
Photos ba Carli NoLimits
Special Thanks Icarus Music and Marcela Scorca.