The Cure, in Concert San Diego, USA, May 20
The two-night extravaganza of The Cure at the North Island Credit Union amphitheater in Chula Vista, California, kicked off Saturday night. It was gloomy, cloudy, and cold, which was perfect for The Cure fans that sold out the first night.

While a good number of people were still making their way in, the Scottish punk/alt rock band “The Twilight Sad” took the stage. This band was impressive, and being on the big stage didn’t phase them one bit.
They owned every bit of the stage. The lead singer, James Alexander, was an absolute riot to watch. As he danced around the stage and had his eyeS roll into the back of his head, he looked possessed while somehow not missing a note. I highly recommend checking this band out!
It was finally time for Robert Smith and co. to take the stage. Before the lights went dark, there were light rain and thunder sounds coming from the speakers. As the lights dropped, the crowd
lost it! One by one, the band members came out, with Robert Smith hiding in a dark corner, looking out into the amphitheater with a smile on his face. As the band began to play, Robert Smith started to make his way across the stage with a very playful and joyful look on his face.
He was smiling and making faces at people in the crowd, holding his palms together, thanking everyone for being here!
As Robert Smith walked back to the microphone, the band went into the cover song ‘Alone’ by ‘Heart’. The set list was expanded over their career and lasted a little over two hours. It was a career setlist, hitting all their biggest hits like “Love Song”, ‘Friday I’m in Love, ‘ A Forest’, and”Burn”,and ending the night with “Boys Don’t Cry”. Which certainly made the crowd cry since this journey with The Cure came to an end.
It´s insane how good Robert Smith still sounds. There’s no denying their age and how long their career has been. Even waking out of the venue, you could see strangers coming together to listen to people talk about how amazing Robert sounds for his age. While Robert Smith was the highlight of the night, there’s no denying that. The band was quite impressive on every level. It was a performance of a lifetime and reminded us all why we loved The Cure. The atmosphere, the music, his voice, and the crowd were all electric. You were able to see people forget about the outside world while dancing and singing the night away.
Alone, Pictures of You, A Night Like This, Lovesong, And Nothing Is Forever, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep (Tour Debut), A Fragile Thing, Cold, Burn, Charlotte Sometimes, Push, In Between Days, Shake Dog Shake, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Endsong
I Can Never Say Goodbye, It Can Never Be the Same, A Thousand Hours, A Strange Day, A Forest
Encore 2:
Lullaby, Six Different Ways, Hot Hot Hot!!! (Tour Debut), The Walk, Let’s Go to Bed, Friday I’m in Love, Close to Me, Just Like Heaven, Boys Don’t Cry
Review and Pictures by Michael Olivas ‘Bearded Gonzo Photography‘
Editor In Chief Maria Fernanda Capici