Interview with P.O.D
Platinum selling superstars P.O.D have revealed a fresh take on their hit single “I WON’T BOW DOWN” with a collaboration with singer/guitarist Andrés Giménez of Argentinian metal band A.N.I.M.A.L.
Today P.O.D took their tome to talk with us!
SUNRAY: In the re-release of I Won’t Bow Down, you collaborated with Andreas Gimenez from the band Animal. How did this collaboration come about, and what was it like working with such an iconic figure in the Latin rock scene?
P.O.D: First and foremost, Andreas G. is an incredible person, musician, and friend.
We´ve known each other for quite some time and have always talked about collaborating. It was fantastic to finally make that happen! The best part is that it felt completely organic. I´m really glad we could work together, and I hope we can create more in the future.

SUNRAY: P.O.D. has a strong fanbase in Argentina. What do you think makes your music resonate so deeply with Argentinian fans?
P.O.D: We can’t wait to return to Argentina! It’s just a matter of timing and negotiations with the right promoters, so we hope to be back there soon. We love you,
Argentina, and we truly appreciate our fans there. One of the biggest reasons our music resonates with so many people is that it comes from a genuine place. It’s a lifestyle, not a gimmick. It embodies soul in every sense of the word, incorporating faith, spirit, and essence—which, to me, equals life.
SUNRAY: The song I Won’t Bow Down carries a powerful message of resilience.
What inspired the lyrics, and how do you hope it impacts listeners, especially in today’s world?
P.O.D: The message behind “I Won’t Bow Down”; was born during the pandemic. It revolves around inner strength and the importance of making conscious, wise decisions to become the best version of yourself. As a band, we always strive to encourage and inspire others. We hope this song ignites that fierce energy of standing up for what is right and believing in yourself.
SUNRAY: Over the years, P.O.D. has blended different musical genres. How do you feel your sound has evolved, especially with projects like the re-release of I Won’t
Bow Down?
P.O.D: I believe that P.O.D. has always been a body that is evolving and growing. When it comes to music, we strive to stay true to our identity while exploring new and different sounds. Not many bands can do that. We’ve never aimed to follow a specific formula; instead, we play off the energy and vibrations that inspire us. I think the progression of the band has been excellent, and I’m extremely proud of what we´ve achieved. I hope we can continue to create outstanding work in the future.
SUNRAY: P.O.D. has always had a strong connection with your fans, often referred to as the “P.O.D Family” How do you maintain that close relationship with your fans, especially in the age of social media, and how has their support influenced your journey as a band?
P.O.D: I believe we’ve done a great job connecting with our fans by being sincere and honest. We always strive to give our time to our fans, even though we know it’s impossible to reach every single one of them all the time. I think people recognize that our intentions are genuine because we truly love our fans. Many of them become friends, and we consider our fans and friends as family.
SUNRAY: With the re-release of I Won’t Bow Down and your continued touring, what’s next for P.O.D.? Are there any new projects or collaborations on the horizon that fans can look forward to?
P.O.D: As a whole, P.O.D. is always striving and thriving to be as creative as possible.
Both individually and collectively, we’re constantly working on new music, and each of us has exciting musical projects outside the band. While we don’t look too far ahead, we’re always focused on creating fresh and new vibes in our music. It can be a bit self-indulgent, as we create music that we love, rather than simply reflecting what’s happening in the world musically. What matters to us is what feels true and real, and we hope to continue doing that effectively.
Special thanks Gaby Sisti