HYPOCRISY in concert Nov 11, Argentina
Once again we landed in Arena Sur to get to see another legendary Metal band, this time we’ll catch the first HYPOCRISY show in Buenos Aires since 2010.
In these 14 years between their last show and tonight, they played almost 3 Latin American tours; performing in neighbour countries, but not in Argentina. There hadn’t a local promoter to bring the band here that past tours.
Argentinian fans started to lose all hope about getting to see the band performing once again.
But, leaving all that behind, fortunately someone said “it is time” and the band catched that plane from Chile to Argentina!
The local guest bands are “In Element” and the well-known Old School Death Metal band “Matan S.A.“. Both bands take the stage and make it their. Darkness slowly comes over as this 2 bands show us why they’re well positioned in this gig.
At 21.15 hs, the lights went off and we hear that tragic orchestral intro from “Fractured Millennium”, as we see the band appearing onstage. Peter and company are finally back!
The bass from Mikael plays the first riff of the song along the drums from Henrik give that dark and apocalyptic groove; the guitars mark the drop of that epic intro with a powerful sharp scream from Mr. Tägtgren.
Everyone starts jumping and cheering at the guitar riff, something that will be repeated in every song on the set!
The second song is “Adjusting the Sun”, as if they said “well, first song mid tempo, let’s give them a second more agressive”. Mosh pits are wide open, people screaming and headbanging.
Peter seems very pleased to see his argentinian fans again. He even interrupts the intro of the next song to listen more carefully to the crowd singing “olé olé Hypo-crisy”.
With one big smile on his face, he responds “I can’t believe we waited so long to come back, you guys are amazing”.

“Eraser” is next. Do I have to tell that the crowd sings the guitar part from the intro? No, that is just obvious!
After this classic song, the band pays homage to the first era of the band, the more old school fans surely love this. “Pleasure of Molestation”, “Osculum Obscenum” and “Penetralia” make the show darkest than ever. It is hard to remember a time from Hypocrisy’s carreer that doesn’t talk that much about UFO stuff, right? But this first period of the band is as golden as every other!
“Inferior Devoties” close this “old school” set, where blast beats and satanist lyrics were easily found!
“Fire in the Sky” is next, a classic song of their catalog, a song that cannot be outside the setlist, a fan favourite!
Next to that, there’s time to give space for their newest record: “Worship” from 2021; and get to listen to the first single of that album, “Chemical Whore”.
“Don’t Judge Me” increase the violence on the crowd, a perfect song to jump into the pit and try your best to survive in there. There’s still time for “Worship”, they’re still touring with this amazing record, so “Children of the Gray” is next!
“Impotent God” is being played and it feels like one more caress to the more nostalgic fans of the band.
The setlist is followed by the powerful track “War-Path” and the density of “Until the End” creates a contrast between. This is what it looks like when a band really take their time to put every song in a good order on the setlist.
We’re getting to the end of the show, something that we easily know when a band leaves the stage for an encore. That’s when you realise time flew and the end is near.
That moment just came, time for a last abduction inside this incredible show. That abduction only could come by the hand of “Roswell 47”, the total hit of the band. The song where they told what they were about and made a lot of us addicted to that alien lyrics!
The crowd obviously sing along the guitar melody, and end the song with another “olé olé”, it is well deserved. The band really kicked ass. Just 3 weeks ago this show was announced and it didn’t need more time to make everyone show up. That’s when you know a band was being very missed by their fans!

Photos by Eliana Fernandez
Review by Agustin Lopez
Produced by From Hell Fest Argentina