A Thrash night with OVERKILL
Last Thursday, April 25th, the Teatro Flores was host of an amazing Thrash Night!! OVERKILL visit for the third time Argentina, and made the night vibrate.
Opening the evening the Argentine Thrash metal band “HAMVIDES” formed in 1995, it sounds so strong and aggressive, continuing with the local band “PUCARÁ IA-58”, Also like the previous band with very powerful sounds, although both have had some sound problems, they gave everything.
And the wait is over! Overkill hitting the stage and opening with the title track off Scorched.
Frontman Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth is full of energy as he belts out his trademark gravely high-pitched vocals and his stage presence is huge with his constant movement, and facial expressions, something that makes him more rocker than he is, his Mother F*cker, between each phrase expressed.

The surprise of this tour was having David Ellefson, the historic bassist (founding member of Megadeth) since D.D. Verni is recovering from surgery.

Continuing with “Bring me the Night” and “Electric Rattlesnake” the mosh pit gets more and more intense, fans chant OverKill Overkill!, When “Elimination” arrives, the audience goes completely crazy.
The guitar duo of Derek Tailer and Dave Linsk have been together in Overkill for over 15 years now and trade-off riffs and solos while the new boy, drummer Jason Bittner blasts away behind his giant kit.
After playing their great anthem “Rotten to the Core”, we all thought it was over when Blitz said “Don’t be a pussy! We don’t care what you say… FUCK YOU!”, closing the night with “Fuck You” song!! With the audience singing along with them.
This was an unforgettable night for Thrash Metal fans.
Scorched, Bring Me the Night, Electric Rattlesnake, Hello From the Gutter, Wicked Place, Coma, Horrorscope, Long Time Dyin’, The Surgeon (Peace Sells bass line intro), Mean, Green, Killing Machine, Ironbound, Elimination
Hammerhead, Rotten to the Core, Fuck You
Review by Maria Fernanda Capici
Photos by Maru Debiassi
Produced by California Sun Producciones – Hellnoise Booking
Press HP Prensa