Concerts CoverageExclusive

Discharge, Midnight and Havok at Uniclub. Tue. June 18th.

The “Hell on Earth Tour” has been quite noisy around South America. It took the form of the alliance of 3 magnificent bands: Discharge, Midnight, and Havok.
As you can see, we’ve got 3 different bands in our pockets and the crowd contains all types of fans, from the hardcore ones to the most thrashy metalheads.
The tour arrived in Buenos Aires to witness these 3 bands perform at Uniclub on June 18th.
The first 2 bands were the local ones, we’re talking about Cutre and Undermine. They mixed perfectly with the headliner, as they are a Harcore Punk band (Cutre) and a Thrash/Death Metal band (Undermine). And so did their shows, giving an amazing example of what we had come for an evening full of aggressive music.
After the local bands played their set, Havok came to the stage, still touring around the world to show their last record “V” (being the fifth album). The show was just mindblowing, with a set full of Thrash Metal tunes like “Point of No Return”, “Hang ‘Em High”, “Prepare for Attack”, “Covering Fire”, “Time is Up”; and, of course, some of the newest stuff like “Phantom Force” and “Fear Campaign”.
That day marked the bassist Nick Shinz‘s birthday, and David Sánchez made the whole crowd sing “Happy Birthday” to him. He seemed like he was having a real blast, as he didn’t stop headbanging the entire set.

It was time for the second headliner band to hit the stage: the trio from Ohio, Midnight. With a unique sound, mixing genres such as Speed/Black Metal with a little touch of Crust/Hardcore Punk, they appeared onstage wearing black masks, chains around the body, and leather clothes.
It was a dark and heavy-sounding set, the audience couldn’t help joining the circle pit in almost every song they played.
“Funeral Bell”, “F.O.A.L.”, “Violence on Violence”, “You Can’t Stop Steel”, “Who Gives a Fuck?” and ” Unholy” were some of the tunes that made their way on the setlist. 
The band members moved around the stage every time they could, it was so contagious seeing them having a good time and interacting with the crowd (shaking hands and helping fans get onstage to jump off).

The evening kept getting better and better, but there was one last band remaining. Discharge is the band that gave name to the tour (“Hell on Earth”, a total hit song by the British band).
All the fans looked so anxious to get to see them. Discharge was the most awaited show of the night and it easily came in sight.
Around 11 pm, they hit the stage, surrounding us with amazing tunes like “Fight Back”, “Protest and Survive”, “New World Order”, “Hatebomb”, “Never Again” and, of course, “Hell on Earth”.
The encore came sooner than later, bringing more classics on the table: “War Is Hell”, “You Deserve Me”, and the curtain call by “Decontrol”, followed by the crowd singing the well-known Argentinian “Olé Olé”.
Everything that could go well, went even better. Every show of the evening was a memorable one, and Uniclub, once again, was a witness to an extreme date.

Photos By Eliana Fernandez

Review by Agustin Lopez

Produced by Noise Ground

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