KNOTFEST Argentina Oct 26, 2024

How many years passed before Argentina finally had this festival organized by Slipknot on this soil, the band’s last visit was under the framework of the Roadshow in which Judas Priest and Trivium came down.
It was held in the city park in the Lugano neighborhood, entering was quite complicated for motorists but for people on foot it was accessible, the doors opened at 2 and 2:30 p.m. The only stage opened there was the band “NVLO” which represents the country, a band that has already been on several large stages and in other countries like “Wacken”, the band demonstrated the power it has and the people set up their party from below, jumping and doing rounds.

The second national band was Arde la Sangre a band led by Corbata who had his time in bands like “Carajo” and “ANIMAL” Today this project is quite on track and shows that all his years on stage led him to Be in the present that it is, there was a small detail that in the middle of one of their songs they had to stop because a girl broke down and had to be rushed to the first aid sector.

The time has come for international bands, a band that has been expected for a long time was Baby Metal in which you see three girls singing and dancing all the time, a band that in their country is one with the largest audience. They showed what they are capable of by giving an excellent show, covering their biggest hits like “Gimme Chocolate”, “Karate” and a song that many already know, which is “Ratatata”, a song they did with the band “Electric Boy”, here in the country. They played one less song due to a time problem due to the previous bands, but that did not mean that it was a great show and many children on their parents’ shoulders said goodbye to the audience by raising a flag of their logo with the colors of Argentina.

A few minutes later the Swedes from Meshuggah began with all the sun on stage giving a class of technical and progressive metal, with several visits to the country they demonstrated that they are a band that can play both in open and closed places with a great sound which covered the entire KNOTFEST field, playing 11 songs.

When night comes they say that you can hear the thunder, the sea, and the call of the Vikings, it would be the turn of Amon Amarth with a very festival stage, giant inflatable dolls, and the drums as if it were a ship. The voice of a complete Viking from “Johan Hegg” at all times happy and grateful to the people for singing and chanting the name of the band every time they could, there was everything in this show such as pogos, rounds and even the time to paddle to reach Vanghalan. This would be their 6th show on this floor and the first in an open field with a crowd jumping all over the venue.

At the end of Amon Amarth, all the jumpsuits, masks, and the entire essence of Slipknot began to appear, nu metal songs began to play which would transport us to the year 1999 as said on stage by Corey.
The moment the lights went out arrived and there was a moment of excitement among the audience they began to come out with their red rompers and what could be seen on the screen was Sid in his place doing his magic and they all began to leave until he came out Corey and the stage turned all green until the voice of a Corey 20 years younger began and demonstrated who was the king of the Knofest and for a reason, it has his name, what better start than to start with “(sic)” making everything jump the city park from the stage to the background.
In this show, there was a lot of interaction with Corey speaking in Spanish showing that he was studying. Eloy demonstrated at all times that he has well earned that place, the energy that James and Mick transmitted at all times changing their places so that they can be seen by all their fans on each side, also towards Clown and Tortilla with their separate show that They do it and obviously Sid comes out from behind for a moment and dances near the audience. It was almost entirely their first album since Diluted is not being played but the rest is perfect as sound.
Stage and staging of each member of the band, the moment would be coming to an end when it starts playing ” Scissors” Here you can notice Eloy‘s great solo, while Corey was sitting in front of the drums, at the end, the band leaves the stage without saying goodbye, leaving all the sinister aspects of the song and thus ending the show of this very special celebration.

Review by Pablo Reinante
Photos by Cata Almada , Gabriel Larraburu and Simon Canedo
Produced by Fenix Entertainment
Press Matias Petrucelli