“The Warning” a wonderful present and a promising future!
Last Wednesday, October 11, The young Villareal Sisters from Monterrey “The Warning” made the night vibrate, at the Teatro Vorterix, Buenos Aires, Argentina!
Opening the night the Mexican punk rock SMASH-O, with a funny and good performance!
Continuing the Argentinian lady rock Daniela Milagros is the second opportunity I have had to see her, Daniela is a complete artist, with a very beautiful voice, surprising us by playing drums, bass, keytar, piano, and everything very well!
Finally the local band RAMEN, After the dissolution of CIRSE in 2019, Gabriel Leopardi (lead guitar and synths), Sebastián Leopardi (bass and synths), and Martin Magliano (drums) formed the new band RAMEN, with Ana Devin (singer). They caught the attention of the audience!
Waiting for the best for the night, The 3 beautiful, young, and talented sisters Ale, Danny, and Pau Villarreal took the stage to make a perfect night!
Starting with “Intro 404”, and continuing with Disciple, Z, and Animosity, the fans were so crazy!!!
Going through their 3 albums, they played the current track MORE, the special moment was when with “Enter Sandman” by Metallica, (the cover with which the girls became known).

When They left the stage, the audience started to say “Una mas y no jodemos mas” and of course, the sisters returned to the stage to give us more!! Playing EVOLVE and MARTIRIO.
As I said at the start, The Warning has a promising future! At so young age, they have shown us that their talent is innate!
We can’t wait to see them back soon!!
Intro 404, DISCIPLE, Z, ANIMOSITY, Queen of the Murder Scene, CHOKE, AMOUR, Dust to Dust, Dull Knives (Cut Better), KOOL AID KIDS, MORE, MONEY, When I’m Alone, Survive, Enter Sandman(Metallica cover), ERROR, Narcisista
Review by Maria Fernanda Capici
Photos by Carli NoLimits
Produced by MTS Agency.
Publicist Gaby Sisti